Configuring autocmake.yml

The script autocmake.yml is the high level place where you configure your project. Here is an example. We will discuss it in detail further below:

name: numgrid

min_cmake_version: 3.1

default_build_type: release

  - Fortran
  - C
  - CXX


- compilers:
  - source:
    - '%(url_root)modules/fc.cmake'
    - '%(url_root)modules/cc.cmake'
    - '%(url_root)modules/cxx.cmake'
- flags:
  - source:
    - '%(url_root)compilers/GNU.CXX.cmake'
    - '%(url_root)compilers/Intel.CXX.cmake'
    - 'compilers/Clang.CXX.cmake'
- plugins:
  - source:
    - '%(url_root)modules/ccache.cmake'
    - 'custom/rpath.cmake'
    - '%(url_root)modules/definitions.cmake'
    - '%(url_root)modules/code_coverage.cmake'
    - '%(url_root)modules/safeguards.cmake'
    - '%(url_root)modules/default_build_paths.cmake'
    - '%(url_root)modules/src.cmake'
    - '%(url_root)modules/googletest.cmake'
    - 'custom/api.cmake'
    - 'custom/test.cmake'

Name and order of sections

First we define the project name (here “numgrid”). This section has to be there and it has to be called “project” (but it does not have to be on top).

We also have to define min_cmake_version as well as set the supported language(s).

The definition url_root is an interpolation (see Interpolation) and we use it to avoid retyping the same line over and over and to be able to change it in one place. The explicit name “url_root” has no special meaning to Autocmake and we could have chosen a different name.

The section modules is a list of CMake plugins. The names of the list elements (here “compilers”, “flags”, and “plugins”) does not matter to Autocmake. We could have called them “one”, “two”, and “whatever”, but it would not make much sense. It is better to choose names that are meaningful to you and readers of your code.

The order of the elements under modules does matter and the list will be processed in the exact order as you specify them in autocmake.yml.

Minimal example

As a minimal example we take an autocmake.yml which only contains:

name: minime
min_cmake_version: 3.1
language: C

If you don’t have the script yet, you need to fetch it from the web:

$ wget

First we make sure that the script is up-to-date and that it has access to all libraries it needs:

$ python --self

- creating .gitignore
- fetching autocmake/
- fetching autocmake/
- fetching autocmake/external/
- fetching autocmake/external/
- fetching autocmake/
- fetching autocmake/
- fetching autocmake/
- fetching autocmake/
- fetching autocmake/
- fetching

Good. Now we can generate CMakeLists.txt and the setup script:

$ python ..

- parsing autocmake.yml
- generating CMakeLists.txt
- generating setup script

Excellent. Here is the generated CMakeLists.txt:

# set minimum cmake version
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8 FATAL_ERROR)

# project name
project(minime C)

# do not rebuild if rules (compiler flags) change

# if CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE undefined, we set it to Debug
    set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug")

This is the very bare minimum. Every Autocmake project will have at least these settings.

And we also got a setup script (front-end to CMakeLists.txt) with the following default options:

  ./setup [options] [<builddir>]
  ./setup (-h | --help)

  --type=<TYPE>                          Set the CMake build type (debug, release, or relwithdeb) [default: release].
  --generator=<STRING>                   Set the CMake build system generator [default: Unix Makefiles].
  --show                                 Show CMake command and exit.
  --cmake-executable=<CMAKE_EXECUTABLE>  Set the CMake executable [default: cmake].
  --cmake-options=<STRING>               Define options to CMake [default: ''].
  --prefix=<PATH>                        Set the install path for make install.
  <builddir>                             Build directory.
  -h --help                              Show this screen.

That’s not too bad although currently we cannot do much with this since there are no sources listed, no targets, hence nothing to build. We need to flesh out CMakeLists.txt by extending autocmake.yml and this is what we will do in the next section.

Assembling CMake plugins

The preferred way to extend CMakeLists.txt is by editing autocmake.yml and using the source option:

- compilers:
  - source:
    - '%(url_root)modules/fc.cmake'
    - '%(url_root)modules/cc.cmake'
    - '%(url_root)modules/cxx.cmake'

This will download fc.cmake, cc.cmake, and cxx.cmake, and include them in CMakeLists.txt, in this order.

You can also include local CMake modules, e.g.:

- source:
  - 'custom/rpath.cmake'

It is also OK to include several modules at once as we have seen above. The modules will be included in the same order as they appear in autocmake.yml.

Fetching files without including them in CMakeLists.txt

Sometimes you want to fetch a file without including it in CMakeLists.txt. This can be done with the fetch option. This is for instance done by the git_info.cmake module (see

If fetch is invoked in autocmake.yml, then the fetched file is placed under downloaded/. If fetch is invoked from within a CMake module documentation (see below), then the fetched file is placed into the same directory as the CMake module file which fetches it.

Generating setup options

Options for the setup script can be generated with the docopt option. As an example, the following autocmake.yml snippet will add a --something flag:

- my_section:
  - docopt: "--something Enable something [default: False]."

Setting CMake options

Configure-time CMake options can be generated with the define option. Consider the following example which toggles the CMake variable ENABLE_SOMETHING:

- my_section:
  - docopt: "--something Enable something [default: False]."
  - define: "'-DENABLE_SOMETHING={0}'.format(arguments['--enable-something'])"

Setting environment variables

You can export environment variables at configure-time using the export option. Consider the following example:

  - "--cc=<CC> C compiler [default: gcc]."
  - "--extra-cc-flags=<EXTRA_CFLAGS> Extra C compiler flags [default: '']."
export: "'CC={0}'.format(arguments['--cc'])"
define: "'-DEXTRA_CFLAGS=\"{0}\"'.format(arguments['--extra-cc-flags'])"

Auto-generating configurations from the documentation

To avoid a boring re-typing of boilerplate autocmake.yml code it is possible to auto-generate configurations from the documentation. This is the case for many core modules which come with own options once you have sourced them.

The lines following # autocmake.yml configuration:: are understood by the script to infer autocmake.yml code from the documentation. As an example consider Here, will infer the configurations for docopt, export, and define.